NYSDSC- New York State Disability Services Council Logo


Membership in the NYSDSC is open to all individuals who work with or set policy for, or is interested in, the provision of disability services to students with disabilities at post-secondary institutions in New York State.

  • Membership subscription period runs on calendar year cycles from January 1st to December 31st of any given year. Renewal of membership is not automatic for the next cycle, individual members and institutional bundle coordinators receive reminder emails for renewal.

    There are three membership categories:

    • FULL

    There are two membership levels:

      • Membership applies to one individual.
    • Membership may apply from three to twenty members depending on level chosen.
    • All members must be from the same post-secondary institution.
    • Institutions with multiple campuses are invited to subscribe under one institutional membership, regardless of location.

    FULL MEMBERSHIP is available to individuals:

    • Holding paid positions (professionals) within any accredited degree-granting higher education institution that maintains a physical campus within New York State, with key responsibilities related to disability services, policy, and/or compliance for students with disabilities. 

    Full members enjoy all the benefits of NYSDSC including:

    • Listserv access
    • Membership discount conference rates
    • The right to vote in NYSDSC
    • Hold elected office in NYSDSC
    • Join and Chair committees in NYSDSC
    • and more

      ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP is available to individuals:

      • Who do not otherwise qualify for Full Membership.

      This group typically includes, but is not limited to:

      • Students
      • Faculty
      • Representatives from state agencies affiliated with higher education disability services
      • Para/Pre Professionals

      Associate members enjoy the same benefits of Full Membership except:

      • The right to vote in NYSDSC
      • Hold elected office/Chair committees

      EMERITUS MEMBERSHIP is available to individuals:

      • Who are previous members of NYSDSC who retained Full Membership (Individual or Institutional) for at least five years.
      • Retired from their position between 2013 and the present.
      • Wish to remain involved in NYSDSC.

      Emeritus members enjoy the same benefits of Full Membership except:

      • The right to vote in NYSDSC
      • Hold elected office/Chair committees

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      Select membership level

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      * Membership level

      Contact Us                                                                            Donate to the NYSDSC

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