NYSDSC- New York State Disability Services Council Logo

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About the NYSDSC

The New York State Disability Services Council (NYSDSC) is an independent, professional organization of individuals who have responsibility for the provision of disability services to students in New York State in degree-granting institutions of higher education.

The NYSDSC was established in June 2007 as a successor organization to the SUNY DSC (State University of New York Disability Services Council), which was formally established in September 1996. The NYSDSC provides a forum to discuss and find solutions to common problems in the delivery of disability services to postsecondary students. It serves as a vehicle for communicating disability service issues and concerns to campus administrators, state and federal agencies such as ACCES-VR, CBVH, the State Education Department, and SUNY Central Administration. It also serves as a resource to government/legislative bodies and/or other organizations. Our members work to establish a statewide baseline of services and assistive technology, explore current and emerging issues and trends, and foster professional growth among its members.

Recognizing that many issues deliberated by the NYSDSC are statewide issues while others may be specific to the type of institution a member is employed by, four Sector Councils have been established: CUNY, Independents, Proprietaries, and SUNY. Time will be built into each bi-annual meeting for Sector Councils to meet. Each provides one representative to the Executive Committee.

Membership (in the Full Membership category) is open to individuals who make policy or are involved in coordinating disability services at degree-granting institutions of higher education with campuses within New York State. Current members include student disability service providers, disability specialists, assistive technology service coordinators, learning resource and academic support center personnel, student support service administrators and deans, residence life personnel, and 504/ADA compliance officers. Often our members wear more than one hat.

Membership is also available via an Associate Membership to any person (including, but not limited to, students, faculty, ACCES-VR counselors, CBVH counselors, and pre-professionals) who would not qualify for Full Membership but who is interested in the provision of disability services to students with disabilities at higher education Institutions.

The NYSDSC conducts two conferences/meetings per year, usually held in June and November, designed to share information and provide training for its members, as well as provide the opportunity for networking among new and seasoned professionals.

Within this web site you will find information and tools for developing and providing services to students with disabilities. We hope you find it helpful. We welcome your feedback.

To join the NYSDSC, click the "Join" link in the navigation bar above!

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