NYSDSC- New York State Disability Services Council Logo

Membership Information

Membership in the NYSDSC is open to anyone who works with or sets policy for, or is interested in, the provision of disability services to students with disabilities at post-secondary institutions in New York State. There are two membership categories, Full and Associate, and two levels of membership, Individual and Institutional.

Full Membership 

Full membership is available to individuals holding paid positions within any accredited degree-granting higher education institution that maintains a physical campus within New York State, with key responsibilities related to disability services, policy, and/or compliance for students with disabilities. 

Full Individual membership dues are currently $75. This level grants all the benefits of full membership to one person. 

Full Institutional Membership dues are currently $150 for up to three members. This level grants all the benefits of individual membership to up to three individuals from an institution, including satellite campuses. It also allows any non-member individual from the member institution to attend the bi-annual meetings at the member rate.

Associate Membership

Associate membership is available to any person (including but not limited to students, faculty, representatives from state agencies affiliated with higher education disability services, and per-professionals) who would not qualify for Full Membership but who is interested in the provision of disability services to students with disabilities at higher education institutions. Associate members enjoy the same benefits of full membership except the right to vote or hold elected office.

Associate Membership dues are currently $45 for an individual. The institutional rate is $125 for up to 3 members; $40 per additional person.

Emeritus Membership

Emeritus membership status is an honorary, non-voting status for retiring members who wish to stay involved in NYSDSC. Emeritus members must have been a full member for at least 3 years (does not have to be consecutive) at the time of retirement if retiring in 2011 or earlier, 4 years if retiring in 2012 and 5 years if retiring in 2013 and beyond. Emeritus status members will have access to the listserv, be eligible to attend conferences at the member rate and participate on committees. They will not be eligible to hold office or chair committees.

Current members include student disability services coordinators, learning and academic resource center personnel, assistive technology coordinators, student counselors, administrators, 504 or ADA compliance officers, and other interested faculty and administrators.

Emeritus Membership dues are currently $15.

Membership Dues

NYSDSC dues are designed to encourage the broadest active participation of professionals in the organization. Benefits of annual full membership include:

  • access to the NYSDSC listserv;
  • discounts to attend the two meetings per year;
  • voting status for the election of officers; 
  • opportunities to participate on working and planning committees;
  • leadership opportunities within the organization.

Interested in joining the NYS Disability Services Council? Use the "Join the NYSDSC" link in the navigation bar above.

NOTE: While membership fees may be made any time before or throughout the membership year, individuals whose membership has not been renewed by March 31 of the membership year will no longer be considered members in good standing and will be removed from the NYSDSC listserv.

The Executive Committee:

An Executive Committee comprised of elected officers governs the organization: President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and Immediate Past President. In addition, four representatives to the Executive Committee are selected by the membership of the Sector Councils (one from each of the four Sector Councils: CUNY, Independents, Proprietaries, and SUNY). All members are encouraged to actively participate in the activities of NYSDSC.

Officers are elected in May with terms beginning at the end of the June meeting. Elections are usually held via e-mail in April. A call for nominations is put out to the listserv early in the year.

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